
Garden Diary - February 2022

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The Color Purple
Saturday, 26 February 2022

Mention something once. Do it again. Eventually you'll get my attention. What with? This time it is the color purple. No, not the movie but rather the actual color. It started with this.

On 24 February I found an email from Blick art supplies in my inbox.
It was an announcement for Pantone's color of the year for 2022.

The very next day, 25 February, there was a message from

the National Garden Bureau that 2022 is The Year of the Lilac.

O.K. I've got it. Lilac is both a color and a flowering shrub.


Pantone suggests their very peri is a color that has uses for fashion, interior design, and more.
Similar hues have been popular colors for paint as a search through my picture files turned up

A purple bench seen back in 2017

Also in 2017, a fairy house with a purple door. A full size purple house in 2020

a house with purple shutters and a buddleia to match, also 2020.

Iris was said to be a messenger of the gods and personification of the rainbow. To honor her,
the Greeks would plant purple iris flowers on the graves of the dead. Even to this day, iris
are planted on women's graves so that Goddess Iris will guide them to their resting places.

Color in the multiplicity flowers that form the densely packed umbel of Allium giganteum.
Color again to create the image on paper that depicts it.

The days are getting longer. The meteorological beginning of spring on March 1st. On March 20th it will be the equinox, day and night of equal length. Flowers are still scarce. This winter there was little snow and bitterly cold temperatures so frost went deep, deep into the ground.

But soon enough

the little bulbs of early spring will appear, among them
the luminous purple chalices of Dutch hybrid crocus.

In the language of flowers, purple liliacs for the first feelings of love.
The color purple as a symbol of royalty, for luxury, and opulence.
The color purple.

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